Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Yesterday I began the ‘master cleanse’. My goal is to have a nice pink tongue, which means that my body is in perfect balance.
Yesterday’s challenge was to stop thinking of food. It’s harder than you think. Go ahead, say to yourself I will not think about food, and then try not thinking about food. It is especially true if you have a family to feed.

So I told guys that they are on your own for a few days. Immediately, they order pizza! I said to them, although you are on your own you can't order take out everyday.

This morning, I feel great drinking my tonic of lemon, maple syrup, with a dash of cayenne pepper. I am deviating from the program slightly, by drinking a protein shake at mid-day. I’ve read so many posts on the subject and my instinct tells me I’m on the right path for me. Perhaps that is why I'm not feeling hunger.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Creating a meditative garden
I dream of allowing my inner child to come out and play!

I dream of long white beaches, and sunny days!