Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday evening on a Walk About!

As summer morphs into autumn, which is the most beautiful of seasons, my son and I decided to go on an evening walk around the property.  The leaves on the trees are just turning color, and gracefully falling to the ground.  Not much yet, but enough to let you know that summer is on its way out.
(click on any of the photos to enlarge!)

We spied...

The generator. Which reminded me that I have to call to have it serviced before winter.  In my part of the world, when the power goes out in the winter, as it tends to do in the most inconvenient and coldest day possible, it is always good to be prepared.  This generator has saved us many cold nights!

Then we spied...

The wood pile.  Andrew said, I piled all that wood in Spring.  I think we have enough for a nice fire in the fireplace.  There is nothing sweeter than having our cup of hot chocolate on those cold winter evenings all cosy in front of the fireplace.

Then we spied...
The wheelbarrow and shovel.  Reminders that we still have more cleaning around the property before winter!  Like, putting the garden to bed.  Still have some wonderful chard for juicing, yummy!

And I spied... Andrew
hiding here...
and there!

Then we sat by the pond and enjoyed the sound of the running water...
But the birds on the river were making so much noise....
I really wanted to take a picture of this beautiful great-blue-heron, who has been so brave as to sit in the pond durning the week watching the koi and perhaps feasting on the frogs.  (this photo take by hubby on Friday!)
The pond is beautiful any time of the day...
You can barely see the great-blue heron next to the rock on the river.

In the evenings the pond is especially charming!  This time of the year is perfect, no bugs.

It was also a perfect evening for  sailing...
 we spied our neighbor sailing the calm water with barely no wind.
I really enjoyed my walk-about with Andrew. Who incidentally takes great pictures!  As well, as being pretty photogenic himself!