Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Doing What I Must

in my yard a vibrant ecosystem   

Work in progress

I have been home for just a little over four months. I am writing this blog to demonstrate how adapting your ways can influence your health. You have to have an open mind and be willing to put aside any preconceived notions about health and look at the science behind various methods.   

Each day, I am getting stronger and more focused.  I credit my use of meditation for my positive mindset.  It also helps  that I am surrounded by people who are positive and encouraging.  While I was in rehab hospital I recall doing simple tasks “Did you have a B.M? asked my nurse. “yup”I  responded with a smile. and, the nurses  cheered.  They cheered when  took a step by myself. good job"! It was like having a private cheering squad. It still makes me smile. And to tell the truth it felt good. I think, it is because behind their cheers was an authentic intention to help. Their enthusiasm for my accomplishing the simple stuff encouraged me to do the more difficult things.    

I admit that the past four months has had its challenges; however, it is nothing that I couldn't handle. I made sure to  continue some of the strategies I learned in rehab. For example, I made sure when I was talking to people they were on my left side, where I have a vision deficit.  I would consciously place items on my left side so that I would be forced to look for them there, and I also bought and installed an app that challenged me to use my brain.  And, over the summer I regularly walked in the evenings. 

Each day, I start my day with meditation. The insights that come up while meditating create an opportunity for introspection and problem-solving.  I have been reading and listening to inspiring podcasts that provide an understanding of how our bodies work, and in particular, how our digestion and gut work. It turns out that this is pretty important to maintaining a healthy system. There is a group of doctors who investigate and follow studies under the heading of Functional Medicine, which is basically looking for the causes of our diseases and not just treating the symptoms, which is much of what conventional medicine does. One of my favorite podcasts is Dr. Hyman’s Doctor’s farmacy. And broken brain.

 It is really exciting, because the research is showing that simply  eating the right foods, exercising, taking time for ourselves in meditation, and creating a positive mindset can improve ones overall health. This is to some extent the same type of advice we are used to hearing from our general practitioner. However, how many of us pay attention to it, and there is a scientific basis for it.

I am of the belief that each of us is responsible for maintaining our health. It is our responsibility to be mindful and protect our health while we still can.

It is really an exciting time for me. I am curious and willing to investigate all avenues to ensure I have the right information to improve my health. When I first embarked on this journey I decided that I would be open to receiving information and to follow a regimen that will enhance and support my healing. 

Interestingly, I even surprised myself. I have been a long time vegetarian, over 20 years in fact.  However my research revealed I have been depriving myself of a key food item to build healthy muscles and protein, which is red meat, and in particular organs, like liver, and kidneys. Adding bone broth is an easy way to introduce meat back into your diet. As I studied the science behind it, I realized that my days of being a vegetarian would be over if I wanted to get healthier. The way I look at it, if eating meat, is the simplest change I could make to improve my overall health, then why wouldn't I? I am able to get around most of the time without any aids. I have energy and I am upbeat and positive.

However The thought of eating meat, specifically red meat, was not a pleasant one for me, however, Once I made the decision to go back to eating meat it was easy because I had a reason for doing that. And my aversion to eating meat took a backseat to my need to get healthier.  I wanted to support my brain function .  It goes without saying that I would I be eating only wild meats and fish, and whole foods, stuff that is grown in the ground.   Thankfully, I planted a garden in the spring.  and I stayed away from all processed foods already.  A large part of the protocol is to consume at least 6 to 9 cups of greens and fruit daily. Wow. that is a lot.  

Indeed At first, it seemed impossible to consume that much greens and fruits until I decided to blend
green smoothie Kale, dates, banana, Water 
them and then it became more manageable I could sip on a smoothie throughout the day that was filled with the nutrients that my mitochondria required to operate optimally.  I have eliminated from my diet wheat, grains and artificial foods.  There is tons of information out there and many varying diets, but we must be attentive and research extensively before embarking down a particular path. Also, it is important to advise your doctor of any changes you are thinking of. I have been following Dr. Wahl’s protocol. It really resonated with me and is backed by scientific data. What impressed me about her approach was. She has Tenacity and determination to overcome and to maintain a quality lifestyle to address the issues she was experiencing after her MS diagnosis. Her story is nothing short of inspiring. If you are experiencing any autoimmune disease or inflammation, pain, etc. I highly recommend you start reading her book and begin eating your way to a healthier you.

In a million years, I never thought that I would ever eat meat again.  Thankfully,  being open minded.  I didn't dismiss the idea off hand before even giving it an honest try.     

Since I've been home, and eating a healthier diet, I sleep better, and my thought processing is getting sharper.  Overall, I am pleased with my progress.   Another side benefit from adopting this protocol, and I didn't even think about it until I began writing this blog piece is that the chronic pain I experienced in my lower back before is gone. If you're interested in reading about functional medicine drop me a line and I will send you a recommended reading list, Or follow the links in this blog post. Be Well.