On my way to work! |
Even if we are in deep sleep (REM), silence will wake us up. It's interesting how when we are used to these noises we sleep like a baby. But take away the sounds and we wake up discombobulated. What's wrong? Why is it so quite?
I am tucked in nice and cosy under the duvet dreaming of sandy beaches in faraway places. I stir sleepily, then I become aware of the silence and the darkness of the bedroom. I look towards the direction of the dresser for the clock, it is shrouded in blackness. Immediately I know the power is out. I reach for my ipad on the night table to check the time, 4:03 am. I was not too surprised that we were having a power outage. Especially with freezing rain throughout the previous day and over night, there was a high probability for it to occur. And of course, it had to happend when hubby is away on business. This is the joy of country living, which is just a bump in the middle of the night.
I should have turned over and resumed sleeping, but I couldn't. This silence, is not normal and it puts me on edge. I wake up.
Thankfully, we are prepared for these occasional power outages. Although,
We have quiet a lot where I live. Sometimes when I come in after being out for awhile, the first thing I notice is the silence and how it makes my thoughts seem loud in comparison. So, I sleep with a fan at night to provide that white noise. It can be uncanny when you're not used to it.
Hi Rubye Jack,
Sometimes, when I'm alone and spooked, I will fall asleep with the tv on.
I love silence
I've heard it said that between the noise, where silence resides, lives all things possible.
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