Tuesday, November 29, 2016

No Change in Sight

Portrait of a Dying People
1899 - Now 

This year we get less of a Christmas bonus
We don’t care. It is difficult to focus,
how our multi-million-dollar corporation
can’t find our worth in its operation

Nervously we smiled
We’re very thankful - we lied
Eyebrows furrowed
Our dignity borrowed

 We wailed it’s better than nothing,
 actually relieved at least it's something
Profits are low. Still council increased their salaries, we say
shouldn't they cut their pay

It's not us being greedy?
What about the members who are needy?
Who cares, we get a small Christmas bonus
Thank you! Good job chief and council, we say in chorus!

It matters not that what you give us is ours
like those settlers did from their towers
Took our culture, language and lands under the Indian Act
Yet we are grateful for what little they give back  

Our spirit is dying but we have no voice
because we are controlled by a force
governed by Indian Act chief and councillors
some of whom only care about power and controls

From the oppressors they learnt their lessons well
they didn’t fail and that is swell
they control the supporters
by withholding vital information that empowers

We Indian Act Indians are powerless
We better not question, lest they think we ask out of malice 
We’re dying on the inside don’t you see? 
All we want is to be consulted and to be free

Chief and council. Thank you!
 but I am sure you must realize tho
unless you stop treating us like children and give us real information  
 We'll never be released from the chains of residential school and colonization


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Leonard Cohen Dead at 82

Leonard Cohen died, November 5, 2016 he was 82 years old.  2016 has been horrible with the passing of so many iconic musicians.

I wrote this about him in 2009.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Mindful Driving

We think we are always in control while we’re driving, don’t we? But are we, really?
Most of us drive in “automatic” going through the motions without thinking about how we are driving.  Have you ever got to your destination and have no recollection of the drive to get there? Often we don’t give a second thought when we snatch that item from the back seat, reading the gps map, finding that perfect music on our iPhone, or drinking a beverage while clipping away at 80 km/h or more. 9 times more likely to have an accident!  I’m guilty of that too, but not anymore. 
We think we can multi-task while driving.  However, I have news for you, statistics report otherwise.  According to OPP in 2016 distracted driving deaths double that of deaths attributed to impaired drivers. Let me say that again… more deaths than impaired drivers!!!  
Don’t read or respond to that TEXT!  I bet you’re thinking, “I  don’t”, all the while you’ve done it at least once!” 23 times more likely to get into an accident!
I’ve noticed people enjoying their music wearing headphones, unaware that there is an emergency vehicle with sirens blaring, lights flashing, approaching from behind them.  3 times more likely to get into an accident!
I’ve noticed people with their dog on their lap while they drive. They risk their life, other lives, and their dog’s life. 
In Alberta 20% - 30% of all collusions involved a distracted driver, I am sure it is higher, these statistic are likely under reported because of insurance claims.  Still, the statistic across Canada and the US are overwhelming.
Be aware and keep your attention focused on the road and how you’re driving. Do not be a distracted driver even for one second.  You might think it is safe to check that short email at the red light, think again. 
Instead, be aware of your posture while sitting at the red light. Feel your hands on the wheel. Notice the drivers around you. Take a deep breath and exhale. Be aware of your breathing. Accidents are avoidable if we stop driving in “automatic”. 
Please get home safe and ensure others get home safe.  Be mindful of your driving.
