Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Live your best Life Using Neuroplasticity


Remember when you believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy?  It was exciting times.  At some  point in your life you stopped believing.  Our belief system creates our worldview. Our beliefs create a bias in how we see the world. More often than not we're not aware of this bias. 

Neuroplasticity is  the  brain's ability to form and reorganize synaptic function based on learning or experience.  Adopting an action or  behavior   can change how our brain works. This is how we train after injury through repetition,  There is a science behind Neuroplasticity.   Repetition  will rewire our brain.  And that is a good thing!  It means we have agency  over our life. We can change,  improve and refine motor skills.    it is not limited to physical function it also works on behavioral modification. 

The science of Neuroplasticity  has changed over the years.  Indeed  there was a time that scientists believed that  our brain  could not be changed. They no longer hold that belief. 


I am going to give you simple ways to change your limiting beliefs.   A limiting belief is a construct we create using language that stops us from growing and becoming the best version of ourselves.   Simple thoughts like, I am not good enough, I am not smart enough, I can't do this, etc.  And it can be changed.

Sometimes our beliefs help us and give us joy, like believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.  It evokes joy.  

And sometimes  our beliefs can limit our  joy and prevent us from living our best life.    This is called a limiting belief.  

It is habitual. A habit is a response to an reward situation. It is triggered by something either external or internal.  It is an automatic response  and it requires no energy to implement or to act upon. Kind of like being in autopilot.    In other words it is  our beliefs that drive our actions,  or inaction.  

 You can change your habits and your limiting beliefs in just 100 days.  But you can't change something you are not aware of.  

The first thing you need to do is to be aware of how you respond to things.  Recognize your limiting beliefs as they occur,  notice when you don't want to do something. or how you respond in a situation.   Ask yourself why?   Are you scared? Is fear one of your limiting beliefs?  You don't want to be vulnerable? Or perhaps you are adverse to risk taking.   It is a human tendency to not like change.  Change is unpredictable. We  prefer to stay in our comfort zone where  it is predictable and safe. It is what gives us comfort.  Alas it  can also stop our personal growth.    

Furthermore, It is also a human tendency to want  immediacy, taking the easy route.   However, to build and maintain a new habit  takes practice and  a commitment to want to change.   Change will not occur overnight.  you can even notice the change you're making.  Ask yourself, why do I do this, what am I afraid of?   being honest with your reply.   

 That said,  the new habit you build will override your habitual actions.     Doing something every day with commitment  defines you.  Being committed to your goal means that nothing will stop you from completing your goal.  No matter what you're going to  get it done.  That his commitment.  

Start small.  it is important to not make it difficult  for yourself.  remember at the beginning there will be resistance. Do something that is easy and practice that.   For example if you want to build a better physique start with five minutes of exercise daily, and slowly build up.  Build your habit first, it is more important than intensity and complexity.   Consistency is key  to making  change.  Repetition will rewire your neuropathways. 

What I hope you take away from this is that you always have a choice.  That is empowering, right?  

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